raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

  • such hard talent

Sunday 5 September 2010


not just because i don't know of any other old skool hip-hop band that have as much marijuana topics in there songs, but because there generally talented musicians, even in one of there more low brow, slower, emotional songs they still manage to put a fair bit of lyrics that relate to weed within it.
now that's skill.

also, as soon as you hear B-real's voice it does make you feel a whole lot more known to the music.

everyone does it

Michael Phelps was banned from the olympics for smoking weed which was believed to be used for enhancing his performance? NOO im pretty sure if you do smoke weed shorty before swimming your ass is gonna sink like a rock a in the Mediterranean.

Bob Marley believed that when they smoke the herb it revels to them there true self, i still don't get what he meant but i do enjoy the (more daily than) occasional blaze up, now that i think about it i do end up being fairly enlightening after a good ol' session.
NONE the less truly aspirational words from the tuff gong.

this is epic in so many ways

  • breathing in nothing but smoke
  • breathing out nothing but smoke
  • the PHAT head rush your ensured to go get once you've got this piece off work off your head